

The city of Michiel de Ruyter, that is Vlissingen. The gateway to the Westerschelde and the North Sea. It has a beautiful city center with the old fortifications at the water. You can also meet Michiel there. You also have a beautiful wide view over the water. You can watch hours of all ships passing by here. From small sailing boats to huge sea container ships on the way to Antwerp.

NP Oosterschelde
Read and walk with me

Blogs from Vlissingen

Too long….

It was too long ago that I updated this site. Busy at work, busy at home. Maybe a better description, it was working at home… Yes de pandamic is shuffles our lives. So… After a long time, I find myself along the our National Park the Oosterschelde, nearby Bruinisse. It was a wonderful evening. Just […]

Stand strong… When time flies away! – Part 2

It was a struggeling to get this image right. The conditions on locations where great. But it was to early in the morning to work with the rigth settings to get a decent histogram. So… When time flies away! Stand strong… I tell you why… I worked with a F5.6 and a higher ISO. From […]

Stand strong… When time flies away! – Part 1

With my family we stayd for a week at Dishoek, nearby Vlissingen. A whole week at the most beautiful coastline from the Netherlands. In my opinion then 😉 And I’ve to stand strong this morning. So… Stand strong… Stand strong. This is a diptych. This is part 1. So, soon follow part 2. Now this […]

Simple – fly with the clouds

No diffelcult composition, it was a easy shot with my 50mm Samyang lens. I saw the clouds and I’ve to take this shot. Simple – Fly with the clouds. I love the softness… It was a great sunrise at the Walcheren coast of Zeeland. Strong wind, nice cloudformation…. Love the tones and than the ship  […]

When storms arrives

Last Wednesday (13-09-2017) was the first autumn storm in the Netherlands. When I heard that this storm was coming on, I feel a nice tickle. What time is the flood? When is the storm at its furthest? All answers came together. Sunrise! A big smile appeared on my face 🙂 Then the question: driving in […]

Storm at Vlissingen

ast weekend driving to Vlissingen. Many weather stations predicted bad weather. Lots of snow, hail and a good storm with springtide.

Landscape wall prints

With a suitable work of landscape art, you can turn your interior into a match made in heaven. Because than is it fine to be at home!